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Green flight must become the 2020s ‘moon landing mission’

Green flight must become the 2020s ‘moon landing mission’ - Aircraft Interiors InternationalEd Davey, the Acting Leader of the UK political...

Hydrogen could help power new zero-emission Airbus jet

Hydrogen could help power new zero-emission Airbus jetGlenn Llewellyn of Airbus said the aerospace giant wants to bring a zero-emission commercial...

OXIS Energy and Texas Aircraft Manufacturing to develop Brazil’s first fully...

OXIS Energy and Texas Aircraft Manufacturing to develop Brazil’s first fully electric commercial aircraft for Flight Training and regional transportationPress release...

Electric Airplanes Promise Cleaner, Quieter Regional Air Travel – Now |...

Electric Airplanes Promise Cleaner, Quieter Regional Air Travel – Now. Powered by Northrop GrummanAll-electric or hybrid electric airplanes have an opportunity...

Pipistrel Receives First EASA Certification for an Electric Aircraft.

Pipistrel Receives First EASA Certification for an Electric Aircraft. Who’s Next? - Aviation TodayOn June 10, Pipistrel’s Velis Electro received the...

UK’s next-gen warplane could tap battery power

UK’s next-gen warplane could tap battery powerBAE Systems, the defence company behind the British air force’s new fighter jet, has teased...

VoltAero’s Cassio – Hybrid electric aircraft to become an option on...

Hybrid electric aircraft to become an option on air taxi service | Aerospace Testing InternationalAn app-based air taxi service being developed...

Battery Breakthrough to Give Flight to Electric Aircraft and Boost Long-Range...

Battery Breakthrough to Give Flight to Electric Aircraft and Boost Long-Range Electric CarsNew battery technology developed at Berkeley Lab could give...

All-electric aircraft are an option for aerospace suppliers impacted by Covid-19

All-electric aircraft are an option for aerospace impacted by Covid-19While the commercial aerospace industry has been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic,...

UK: Call for zero carbon domestic flights by 2030

Lib Dems’ Ed Davey calls for zero carbon domestic flights by 2030Exclusive: Acting Liberal Democrat leader calls for green short haul...

BAE Reduces Sizes of Energy Systems For Electric Aircraft

BAE Reduces Sizes of Energy Systems For Electric Aircraft | AINBAE is adapting energy management, engine controls, and power conversion systems...

Airbus Starts Hamburg Deliveries Using Sustainable Aviation Fuel – Simple Flying

Airbus Starts Hamburg Deliveries Using Sustainable Aviation Fuel - Simple FlyingToday, Air Transat became the first airline to receive a new...

‘World’s biggest hybrid jet’ could carry 70 people in ‘whisper-quiet’ eco-flight

‘World’s biggest hybrid jet’ could carry 70 people in ‘whisper-quiet’ eco-flightBRITISH inventors have revealed what the world’s “largest commercial hybrid airplane”...

Boeing and Etihad test noise and emissions-cutting tech in their ecoDemonstrator...

Boeing and Etihad Broaden Sustainability Alliance by Testing Innovations on ecoDemonstrator 787Boeing and Etihad Airways will use a 787-10 Dreamliner...

Bye Aerospace Receives $10 Million in New Funding

Bye Aerospace Receives $10 Million in New Funding - FLYING MagazineBye Aerospace says it completed a $5 million strategic investment by...

Hydrogen: Is this the future? (Part II) | Energy Industry Review

Hydrogen: Is this the future? (Part II) | Energy Industry ReviewIn the second part of the analysis ‘Hydrogen: Is this the...

HyPoint Advances Hydrogen Fuel Cells for Electric Aircraft

HyPoint Advances Hydrogen Fuel Cells for Electric Aircraft | AINHyPoint says it will have a 150 kW hydrogen fuel system ready...

Avinor and the Norwegian Association of Air Sports acquire new electric...

Avinor and the Norwegian Association of Air Sports acquire new electric aircraftIn 2019, Avinor and NLF’s electric plane, LN-ELA, had to...

Eco-friendly A.I. may solve aviation’s biggest problem

Eco-friendly A.I. may solve aviation’s biggest problemBig data company Openairlines claims to be helping make flying more eco-friendly through in-depth data...

Air France Chooses SkyBreathe® Eco-flying Solution to Reduce Fuel Burn and...

Air France Chooses SkyBreathe® Eco-flying Solution to Reduce Fuel Burn and CO2 Emissions/PRNewswire/ -- Air France is today pursuing its efforts...

The 14th annual Electric Aircraft Symposium goes virtual

VFS - 14th Electric Aircraft SymposiumFounded in 1943 as the American Helicopter Society (AHS), the Vertical Flight Society is the world’s...

Quiet and green: Why hydrogen planes could be the future of...

Quiet and green: Why hydrogen planes could be the future of aviationby Jonathan O’Callaghan Today, aviation is responsible for 3.6% of EU greenhouse...

Skai revises targets for its liquid-hydrogen, long-range eVTOL

Skai revises targets for its liquid-hydrogen, long-range eVTOLEast Coast aviation company Alakai made big headlines last year when it became the...

Airbus ponders hydrogen’s flying future

Airbus ponders hydrogen’s flying futureEuropean aerospace giant Airbus sees hydrogen power as “one of the most promising technologies available” to decarbonise...

Forget batteries, is hydrogen the holy grail for carbon-free commercial aviation?

Forget batteries, is hydrogen the holy grail for carbon-free commercial aviation?Source: ZeroAvia ZeroAvia’s hydrogen fuel cell power train is being tested in...

UK Transport Secretary Wants To Develop First Transatlantic Carbon-Neutral Jet

Transport Secretary Wants To See UK Develop First Transatlantic Carbon-Neutral Jet - Simple FlyingThe government of the United Kingdom wants to...

Electricity Technology Takes Off Again With Rolls-Royce

Electricity Technology Takes Off Again With Rolls-Royce | RayHaber | raillynewsMalatya-Çetinkaya Hattında İstinat Taş Duvarı Yapılması T.C DEVLET DEMİRYOLLARI İŞLETMESİ GENEL...

Urban Aeronautics: Flying cars may be floating into our future

Israeli-made flying cars may be floating into our futureYavneh-based Urban Aeronautics is developing its CityHawk to be a kind of Uber...

Hydrogen-powered aviation preparing for takeoff [South Africa]

Hydrogen-powered aviation preparing for takeoff – studyHydrogen as an energy source will play a key role in transforming aviation into a...

NXT Next: Electroflight and Rolls-Royce partner to set the world’s electric...

NXT Next - KITPLANESElectroflight and Rolls-Royce partner to set the world’s electric airspeed record.
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